Mental illness refers to a wide range of conditions that affect mood, thinking and behavior. There are over 200 mental health classifications, the top 5 being depression/anxiety disorders, dementia and addictive behaviors. Although many people have mental health concerns from time to time, it becomes an illness when ongoing symptoms cause frequent stress, affecting the ability to function.
African Americans often live in environments of concentrated disadvantage, with multiple short or long term life shocks - trips of trauma. Examples include break-ups or divorce, major financial loss, job loss, home damage, violence and abuse, health problems, police maltreatment, incarceration, depression, and so on. People experiencing 8 or more life shocks tend to live in poverty.
Racial discrimination is closely associated with the development of lifetime depressive and mood disorders, according to A University of Arizona study reported 18.2% of African Americans experienced emotional stress and 9.8% reported physical stress from perceived racism.
Mental Wellness Resources
Treatment will not be denied to your regardless of your ability to pay
Ramsey County’s Mental Health Center is located at 1919 University Ave. W., Suite 200, Saint Paul and offers short-term and on-going mental health services. The Mental Health Center is open Monday-Friday 8a.m. - 4:30p.m., and closed weekends and county holidays.
Children's Mental Health Crisis Line: 651-266-7878
Adult Mental Health Crisis Line: 651-266-7900
The Detox Center: 402 University Avenue East building. Telephone: 651-266-4009.