Almost 17% of all deaths in Minnesota are due to heart disease (8,568 deaths in 2021), making it the 2nd-leading cause of death in the state behind cancer.

■ African-American/African-Born adults aged 35-64 die from heart disease at approximately two times the rate of all Minnesotans of the same age.
■ Every year from 2000 through 2021, Minnesota had the lowest overall heart disease death rate in the United States.
Risk Factors
■ High Blood Pressure
■ Unhealthy blood cholesterol levels
■ Obesity
■ Diabetes mellitus
■ Chest Pain
■ Shortness of Breath
■ Coughing or Wheezing
■ Swelling in the Legs, Ankles, or Feet
■ Poor Blood Supply to Extremities
■ Fatigue
Prevention Tips
■ Don't smoke or use tobacco
■ Daily physical activity
■ Heart-healthy diet
■ Maintain a healthy weight
■ Manage stress
■ Regular health screenings