Ramsey County Care Service
Our services help seniors live in their communities as independently as possible. We work to make sure seniors and their families know what resources are available from the county, state and federal government.
Minnesota Department of Human Services
Veterans Services
Ramsey County Veterans Services provides assistance to veterans, their dependents and survivors in applying for veterans' benefits provided by the state of Minnesota and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Approx. 25,000 veterans live in Ramsey County.
Housing Support
Telephone Assistance
Senior LinkAge Line® : 1-800-333-2433
Disability Linkage Line® : 1-866-333-2466
Veterans Linkage Lineâ„¢ : 1-888-Linkvet
Face-to-Face Assistance
Through Counties (CVSOs & MnCHOICES)
Centers for Independent Living Area Agencies on Aging
Access Points (clinics, hospitals)
Online Assistance®
Live Chat & Resource Database
Before a Move: Consider Your Options
Planning Ahead & Returning
Home booklets
Health Care Choices